Online Study Course with Octavio Salvado
25 essential teaching tips & concepts for aspiring professional Yoga teachers.
Rp 1,500,000
Lifetime access

25 videos covering key topics and tips for dedicated Yoga teachers who desire teaching at the international / professional level.
Originally only available to TPOpro members, now for less than a hundred bucks you can own the entire Teacher’s Toolbox series. Across the the 25 videos you will learn:
- The do’s and don’ts of teaching Yoga
- What integrity as a Yoga teacher looks like
- The fundamentals of sequencing Asana
- The fundamentals of sequencing Asana to prepare for Pranayama
- The fundamentals of sequencing Asana to prepare for Meditation
- The 3 pillars of practice: Tapas, Smarana and Vinyasa Krama
- How to teach the most important seated and standing Forward Folds
- How to teach the most important seated and standing Twists
- How to teach the most important seated and standing Backbends
- How to teach the most important seated and standing Laterals
- How to teach and sequence Inversions and Mudras
- How to teach Surya Namaskar A and B
- How to teach progressive breath-work in Asana
- How, when and why to teach the 3 Bandhas
- How to theme correctly using energetic principles
- How to cue specific seated Pranayama techniques
- How to cue specific Meditation techniques
- And more!
It is time for a NEW generation of Yoga teachers to step up and steer modern Yoga back in the direction of integrity and tradition.
Be a part of the (r)evolution.

Octavio Salvado
My mission is simple: to share Yoga with the world in the way that it was intended – as a spiritual science, not an exercise routine.
Everything I teach is lineage-based, integrated over decades of hardcore commitment to personal practice. I consider myself a student above all else - a relentless student with unwavering commitment to this extraordinary path that has the potential to truly heal, realign and empower the world.
As a teacher, it is my firm resolve to spend this life helping other dedicated students find more depth in their practices and more purpose, self-reliance, joy and freedom in their daily lives. I have absolute certainty that Yoga, when practiced correctly, can provide this.