With Octavio Salvado at Patrick Broome studio, Munich, Germany

JULY 16 – 19 2025


This 4 Day in-person training is a journey into the heart of Tantra and the practice of ‘Rudra Yaga’, the Sacred Fire ritual, which is the direct path to Kundalini Shakti - the source of all life and light.

Kundalini is not a myth. Neither is living a truly sacred and extraordinary life, full of stability, resilience, confidence, joy and prosperity. It simply requires PRACTICE and more specifically, knowing how to precisely access and activate the auspicious powers held within the Sacred Fire.  

Based in ancient spiritual science, together we will explore how to access, stabilize and embody our dormant power as ‘Rudra’, which is the most vibrant, dynamic and empowered expression of our inner life force. This power is the vibratory essence of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, which grants us victory over fear and all limiting factors in our life.



  • THE TRUTH AND LIES ABOUT TANTRA: An open discussion on Tantra in the modern world, including the many distractions that create obstacles to true evolution.
  • MASTERING PRANA: If we are going to operate in the subtle depths of reality, then we must refine our skills in the area of subtle perception and Pranic control. Learn the skills here.
  • TANTRIC MEDITATIONS: Using Prana and our connection to the inner Sacred Fire to bring healing to ourselves and to those in need.
  • INNER RUDRA YAGA: Constructing and executing the INTERNAL Sacred Fire ritual, including appropriate mantras and protocols.
  • EXTERNAL RUDRA YAGA: Constructing and executing the EXTERNAL Sacred Fire ritual using the Havan Kund (fire-pit), including appropriate mantras and protocols.
  • MANTRA SADHANA: A comprehensive study of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra from the key Tantric text, Netra Tantra, including its origins, mythology and significance in regards to our practice and personal lives.
  • HATHA YOGA FOR KUNDALINI ACTIVATION: Ancient techniques to ‘safely’ awaken and transform Kundalini, including Asanas, Bandhas and Mudras from the Himalayan Tradition.
  • PLEASE NOTE: This training has absolutely nothing to do with sex or intimacy.
  • PLEASE NOTE: This training is not suitable for beginners.





Wednesday July 16

2pm: LECTURE – The truth and lies about Tantra

4pm: PRACTICE – A practice to activate Rudrani and Sushumna Nadi


Thursday July 17

9am: LECTURE – The power of Rudra

1030am: PRACTICE – Maha Mrityunjaya infused Hatha Yoga practice

12pm: BREAK

2pm: LECTURE: Pranic Mastery and the inner world

4pm: Bhuta Shuddhi Master practice


Friday July 18

9am: LECTURE – Cultivating clear-seeing, compassion and intensity  

1030am: PRACTICE – Maha Mrityunjaya infused Hatha Yoga practice

12pm: BREAK

2pm: LECTURE: Rules of the ritual

4pm: Introduction to advanced Kundalini Mudras and ritual Mantras


Saturday July 19

9am: PRACTICE – Kundalini Mudras and internal Rudra Yaga Fire ritual 

1030am: LECTURE – Maha Mrityunjaya Sadhana overview

12pm: BREAK

4pm: PRACTICE – Group external Rudra Yaga Fire ritual




With Octavio & Emma Salvado at Patrick Broome studio, Munich, Germany

JULY 22 – 28 2025


This weeklong intensive training is for Yoga teachers who want to develop their teaching skills to a professional level, by incorporating traditional breath-work, bandhas, seated Pranayama, Meditation and intelligent theming into their classes.

We will use THE PRACTICE: SERIES 1 – A practice to activate Ida Nadi, as the foundation for this training. Ida Nadi is the flow of energy within the subtle body that carries our ‘Lunar’ energy and governs all of our mental functioning. When Ida Nadi is activated correctly, the mind becomes clear, calm, stable and fit for the higher, more energetic practices of Hatha Yoga

Over the week we will explore Hatha Yoga’s Lunar path through personal practice, philosophy and teaching. There will be a LOT of teaching and skill-development work in this training, so come ready to upgrade your confidence, your presence as a teacher, your articulation skills, your capacity to lead others and ultimately, your own personal power.

Teaching Yoga, when done correctly and with the right intention, is a powerful way to serve our world. If that is your calling, come and get the tools you need to take your teaching to the next level.                   



  • AN OVERVIEW OF TRADITIONAL HATHA YOGA: Study the true science of Hatha Yoga, including its philosophical roots, key intentions and powerhouse methodologies.      

  • PROFESSIONAL TEACHING SKILLS: Develop your instructing and communication skills and learn how to increase your confidence and presence as a teacher.   

  • TEACHING A COMPLETE PRACTICE: Explore the framework of a truly transformative practice and how Asana, Pranayama and Meditation work together to create life-changing results.     

  • PROFESSIONAL SEQUENCING: Every practice MUST have several key features, including Tapas (correct intensity), Vinyasa Krama (correct sequencing and methodology) and Smarana (correct theming). Learn the true science of sequencing based on ancient Yogic principles.           

  • TEACHING BANDHAS AND BREATHWORK: Teaching Asana is not enough to truly transform the lives of our students. Asana is there to create a context to be able to work with ‘energy’ in a deeper way. Learn to teach ‘beyond’ the Asana.      

  • TEACHING SEATED PRANAYAMA MEDITATION: Pranayama and Meditation are the pinnacle features of every practice. Without them, we cannot say that we are genuinely practicing or teaching Yoga. They are more challenging aspects of practice to teach, however as professional teachers, we MUST be able to offer these limbs with precision and confidence.     

  • PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT ‘OFF’ THE MAT: Being a Yoga teacher is not just about what we do in the classroom, it’s also about how we conduct our lives OFF the mat. Study and embody the virtues associated with being a torchbearer for the Yoga Tradition.

  • 20 HOURS OF PRACTICAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT: Get ready for a LOT of teaching. We call it ‘Boot Camp’ for a reason.

  • CERTIFICATION OPPORTUNITY: Our goal is to certify all who attend, however certification will depend on YOU. Certification is not guaranteed, but will be determined by how much work you put in and whether you are able to assimilate and replicate the week’s content successfully. Upon success, attendees will be promoted by The Practice as certified SERIES 1 teachers and receive a teaching certificate from The Practice. (Series 2 and 3 certifications will be offered in later trainings).          

  • PLEASE NOTE: This training has a compulsory teaching component. If you are attending this training, then you are required to attend 100% of it. Come ready work hard, have fun and evolve your teaching and communication skills.



Tuesday July 22

2pm: LECTURE – An overview of traditional Hatha Yoga

4pm: PRACTICE - Series 1: Activating Ida Nadi


Wednesday July 23

9am: PRACTICE - Series 1: Activating Ida Nadi

1030am: LECTURE – Professional teaching skills

12pm: BREAK

2pm – 6pm: WORKSHOP – Series 1 Posture Clinic and Teaching     


Thursday July 24

9am: LECTURE – Creating a Complete Lunar practice

1030am: PRACTICE - Series 1: Activating Ida Nadi

12pm: BREAK

2pm – 6pm: WORKSHOP – Series 1 Posture Clinic and Teaching     


Friday July 25

9am: LECTURE – Sequencing for the Lunar path

1030am: PRACTICE - Series 1: Activating Ida Nadi

12pm: BREAK

2pm – 6pm: WORKSHOP – Series 1 Posture Clinic and Teaching     


Saturday July 26



Sunday July 27

9am: LECTURE – Teaching beyond the Asana – part 1

1030am: WORKSHOP - Series 1 Posture Clinic and Teaching  

12pm: BREAK

2pm: LECTURE – Teaching beyond the Asana – part 2

4pm: WORKSHOP - Series 1 Posture Clinic and Teaching  


Monday July 28

9am: PRACTICE – Self-empowerment practice 

1030am: LECTURE – Integrity as a Yoga teacher

WORKSHOP - Series 1 Posture Clinic and Teaching  

12pm: BREAK

2pm – 6pm: WORKSHOP – Series 1 Posture Clinic and Teaching     


Tuesday July 29

ALL DAY: Assessments





“By the grace of my teachers, the Masters and my heavenly Mother and Father, my mission is simple: to share Yoga with the world in the way that it was intended – as a spiritual science designed to awaken us to our highest potential. Everything I teach is lineage-based, handed down from teacher to student for thousands of years in an unbroken chain of personal transmission.

Since I began teaching in 2006, my only wish has been to serve humanity by sharing this great science and simultaneously honor my teachers and the long line of dedicated Yogis that came before them.”

Octavio began practicing the science of Kriya Yoga at age 19 and was eventually initiated into Kriya Yoga at 27 in Northern India. He pilgrimaged for a decade across India, deepening his understanding and practice of Yoga and Tantra; things that can’t be learned from books.

He has accumulated dozens of certificates over the last two decades, but to him they matter very little. As the Masters say: ‘Only direct experience matters and how committed we are to daily practice’.

Now, with the unshakable resolve to educate people on the truth about Traditional Hatha – about what it is and what it isn’t – and to make it more accessible and meaningful for the masses, Octavio has committed himself wholeheartedly to the lineage of Sri Vidya, the knowledge-stream of the Himalayan Masters. This sublime lineage, above all else, is dedicated to bringing forward more light, wisdom and beauty into the world by the virtue of committed personal practice.

With his relentless studentship and unwavering commitment to self-practice, Octavio hopes to help all dedicated students find more purpose, self-reliance, joy and freedom in their daily lives and ultimately, achieve the highest goal – Self Realization.

He believes that when practiced correctly and with the right guidance and attitude, the potential for Yoga and Traditional Hatha to deeply transform all aspects of our lives is limitless.



Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s remembering who you are. Yoga has without doubt brought more stillness into my life. Stillness in the way I parent, the way I teach and the way I navigate my life. I have found elegance in the pauses that I once needed to fill. There is no separation between my practice and “the rest of life” it’s all one and the same. Life is my storybook and I read the chapters back again as I teach.” 

Emma is a devoted wife, mother, traditional Hatha yoga teacher, and mentor. She began practicing yoga during her pregnancy with her first child Maya, almost twenty years ago, and really started to count on yoga to bring her a sense of calm at a time in her life when she was struggling emotionally. She started attending regular classes and began recognizing the benefits of a committed asana , pranayama and meditation practice.

After the death of her mother when she was four years old, Emma gravitated towards healing and spirituality as a way of understanding who she was and why she was here and was fascinated by life’s bigger questions. She found herself isolating from her peers because she felt like she didn’t fit into her friendship groups, after suffering such a monumental loss at such a young age.

In a culture of scarcity where nothing is ever enough, yoga gave Emma the courage to be seen, the freedom to speak her truth, and connect to her intrinsic feminine strength and
intelligence. The more she started showing up for herself from a place of authenticity, the
more she healed. Not only was she breathing consciously, but she started living more
consciously. Yoga showed her a way to take all of her broken pieces and make them beautiful. This led her to where she is now, understanding that she had the capacity to heal herself, and helps others do the same.

Emma knew from the very beginning of her yoga journey, that she was destined to share the teachings with others. They had such an impact on her own life, that she knew that this was medicine for the modern world. She trained and studied under the Hatha Yoga teachings of B.K.S Iyengar and Vanda Scaravelli. Emma is now a dedicated student of the Sri Vidya Lineage. She truly believes that our spiritual practice is reflected in our family dynamic.

“I am the sovereign queen, the treasury of all treasures, whose breathing forth gives birth to all the worlds and yet extends beyond them – so vast am I in greatness.“ Devi Sukta ( Praise Hymn of the Goddess from the Rg Veda)