“Anchor yourself to Consciousness and FIGHT!
Do what you are compelled to do and
do it without any fear of consequence,
or concern of the opinions of others.”
- Bhagavad Gita

For more than 30 years, author, speaker and Truth Warrior, David Icke has been on the frontline of the spiritual battle, fearlessly sharing truth in the face of unrivalled adversity.
This epic new interview with Octavio, which is now banned on most Social Media platforms, does not disappoint and clearly demonstrates why the global cult and the hidden forces that guide them, fear David Icke so much.
Join David and Octavio here on the digital battlefield – UNCUT – and discover the true nature of reality, what is REALLY happening in our world today, the innate power we each hold within us and the ancient forces that are trying to stand in our way.
We will not bend the knee to censorship, or to the woke ideals held by a minuscule few, who are intent on leading this world straight into darkness. We will fight and we will prevail.
Knowledge is Power. Educate Yourself.

This interview will be filmed LIVE from LIGHTHOUSE STUDIOS, BALI.
Bali’s New Home For Creators.
A one of a kind, multi-level podcast & video production complex, creative space, cafe, bar & events space
that unites podcasts, videos and production, built to foster an entrepreneurial and creative community
in Bali, Indonesia – Island of the Gods.