
Live Q&A with

Octavio Salvado



Time for a chat!


Let’s stay connected and support each other through our Yoga journeys" the ups, the downs and everything in between. That is what being a part of a community is about.

Let’s get real. Although we would love traditional Hatha Yoga and Meditation to spread like wildfire across the world instantaneously, realistically, we understand that ‘at present’, we are the minority out there in the Yoga world.

Not too many practitioners and teachers these days are interested in KEEPING THE TRADITION ALIVE by practicing and sharing Yoga and Meditation in its original form. At least, not yet!

So wouldn’t it be great if there was a place; a hub, where we could all come together and talk about REAL Yoga and all that comes with it?

Well, that’s exactly what we thought as well! Which is why we have included the monthly group Zoom catch-up calls as a key feature of the TPO PRO membership package.

We are stronger together!


Monthly Zoom group catch-up sessions

with Octavio Salvado. Ask Octavio questions about:


Your personal practice

Your teaching

Running workshops and trainings

Yoga philosophy

Specific TPOpro practices

Teaching Hatha Yoga and Meditation in and endless sea of Vinyasa


These Q&A sessions will be reserved for TPOpro members exclusively. The date of the Zoom meeting and the link will be emailed out to members two weeks prior to the meeting.

Monthly Zoom catch-up will happen on the last Sunday of every month.


Register for The Next Q&A Session Here!


Membership $15.99/month


One 75min streamed classes per week
(the class will then become available for all members to revisit)
One additional video of some aspect of prctice or teaching.
Access to pre-existing 200+ high quality Yoga classes and lectures
Access to monthly group Zoom Q&A sessions with Octavio
to discuss personal practices & progress
Discounts on digital and in-person courses & trainings