Octavio Salvado
My mission is simple: to share Yoga with the world in the way that it was intended – as a spiritual science, not an exercise routine.
Everything I teach is lineage-based, integrated over decades of hardcore commitment to personal practice. I consider myself a student above all else - a relentless student with unwavering commitment to this extraordinary path that has the potential to truly heal, realign and empower the world.
As a teacher, it is my firm resolve to spend this life helping other dedicated students find more depth in their practices and more purpose, self-reliance, joy and freedom in their daily lives. I have absolute certainty that Yoga, when practiced correctly, can provide this.
I currently live in Bali with my amazing wife, Emma and our two wild kids, where together we run The Practice – a Yoga institute dedicated to keeping the tradition alive.

Guest Teacher: Emma Salvado
“My name is Emma Salvado and I am a Devoted Wife, mother, Traditional Hatha Yoga and Ayurveda Teacher and Mentor. I began practicing yoga 23 years ago during my pregnancy with my first child, where I relied heavily on my practice to bring me a sense of stability and calmness and to help me emotionally. I started attending classes regularly and began to realize the benefits of a regular practice of Asana, Pranayama and Meditation.”
Over the last two decades, Practice has had a profound impact on healing Emma’s own life. She knew from the very beginning of her journey with Yoga that she was in some way destined to share the teachings with others, which she has for the last 15yrs. It is her life’s mission to support and guide others through Traditional Hatha Yoga and Ayurvedic practices to step into their full power with whatever they choose to do in this life, and to thrive and be happier in the process.
“I am the sovereign Queen, the treasury of all treasures, whose breathing forth gives birth to all the worlds and yet extends beyond them - so vast am I in greatness.” - Devi Sukta
Membership $15.99/month
One 75min streamed classes per week
(the class will then become available for all members to revisit)
One additional video of some aspect of prctice or teaching.
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to discuss personal practices & progress
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